Un Mac e una PC

Siamo arrivati quasi alla fine. E’ il Super Tuesday, il giorno defitivo per le primarie elettorali. E lo sto seguendo grazie ad una partnersip tra google e twitter che ha prodotto questo. Molto molto interessante vedere fino a dove le nuove tecnologie si possono spingere, riunendo online informazioni e sensazioni e pensieri con velocità e precisione, lontani dai canoni della carta stampata e delle sue estensioni online.
Ma, senza considerare neanche lontanamente i candidati repubblicani, come non parlare almeno una volta di Hilary e di Obama?
Ma non parlando di loro direttamente. Ma di come compaiono al popolo di internet. E riportando la definizione data loro dal New York Times (e se volete, tradotta in qualche modo dal Corriere.it):

On one thing, the experts seem to agree. The differences between hillaryclinton.com and barackobama.com can be summed up this way: Barack Obama is a Mac, and Hillary Clinton is a PC.
That is, Mr. Obama’s site is more harmonious, with plenty of white space and a soft blue palette. Its task bar is reminiscent of the one used at Apple’s iTunes site. It signals in myriad ways that it was designed with a younger, more tech-savvy audience in mind — using branding techniques similar to the ones that have made the iPod so popular.
“With Obama’s site, all the features and elements are seamlessly integrated, just like the experience of using a program on a Macintosh computer,” said Alice Twemlow, chairwoman of the M.F.A. program in design criticism at the School of Visual Arts (who is a Mac user).
It is designed, she said, even down to the playful logos that illustrate choices like, Volunteer or Register to Vote. She likened those touches to the elaborate, painstaking packaging Apple uses to woo its customers.
In contrast to barackobama.com, Mrs. Clinton’s site uses a more traditional color scheme of dark blue, has sharper lines dividing content and employs cookie-cutter icons next to its buttons for volunteering, and the like.
“Hillary’s is way more hectic, it’s got all these, what look like parody ads,” said Ms. Twemlow, who is not a citizen and cannot vote in the election.
Jason Santa Maria, creative director of Happy Cog Studios, which designs Web sites, detected a basic breach of netiquette. “Hillary’s text is all caps, like shouting,” he said. There are “many messages vying for attention,” he said, adding, “Candidates are building a brand and it should be consistent.”
But Emily Chang, the cofounder of Ideacodes, a Web designing and consulting firm, detected consistent messages, and summed them up: “His site is more youthful and hers more regal.”

Io, è inutile dirlo, preferisco il primo. Perchè adoro il blu, quei tratti bianchi sfumati, il bellissimo logo di sfondo (che è sempre nascosto dalla pagina), la disposizione armonica e ordinata dei contenuti, sapientemente racchiusi in eleganti menù. E il box strabordante di social link “Obama Everywhere”: Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Linkedin, Flickr, YouTube, giusto per citare qualche social media conosciuto anche a noi italiani.
Mentre noi, al massimo, ci dobbiamo accontentare del Walter su twitter.

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